Tuesday, February 24, 2015


I was unable to create a podcast due to issues in personal life.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Globalliance Simulation

This week the students at my school took part in a competitive simulation in which students used technology and collaboration to find solutions to real world problems.  A colleague and I have worked for over a year on developing a “game” for every student in our middle school (353) to “play.”  The idea of the game was to have students learn about other countries and current issues involving different regions of the world.  Our students took on the task with a lot of enthusiasm and determination.  The students had to use their laptops to research characteristics of countries, perform group challenges and then create and present a formal presentation to the “World Council”  (Model UN students in our High school).   Although we were interrupted by some snow days, the students did incredible.  If you have a few minutes, please take a look at the video that the school had made from the experience.