Friday, May 1, 2015

PLN Journey and Reflection

This semester has been the craziest of my life.  I have taken several steps: Newly engaged, purchased a house, interviewed and accepted a new position, served as an assistant department chair, and led a candidate search and interviews for my current position.  As if all of these things were not enough to cause delays in my full focus on material of this course, it turns out that I purchased a house with many hidden issues.  As we all know, teachers don’t get paid a lot, so I have been forced to fix things on my own, and not very successfully.  I am stilling living out of boxes and with out a working shower.  With all of this, I have become more aware of the power of Professional Learning Networks.  It can be overwhelming for sure, but it is also stable.  You can access as much or as little as you can handle.  The tools we have used are designed to make our lives easier, not more difficult.

Feedly is a awesome tool for anyone who wants to stay in tune with the latest and greatest.  The ability to pull so many resources to one central location saves me so much valuable time.  It is something that I will definitely continue to use.

I have tried blogging before and again in this course.  It is something that I enjoy from time to time, but have difficulty keeping them up to date.  As a math person, writing has never been one of my strong suits, however put to paper my thoughts help me to reflect on what I have learned, read, or experienced.  It is a very powerful tool even if others do not interact with you. Blogging in the classrooms is a great why for students to work on their writing and peer editing.  I wish the English teachers at my school had our students blog more. I have been trying to come up with a way to use it in my math classes.

I enjoy listening to podcasts but not making them myself.  There is nothing better than being able to be productive in the care while you are driving.   I go through periods of time in which I enjoy reading and others in which I have a hard time.  Podcasts are a great way for me to continue to hear others thoughts or discussions on topics.

I have had a twitter for years and have only posted a few times.  I have never gotten into posting the things I do to the world.  I do use twitter however to follow a group of visionary math teachers under the name of twittermathcamp.  I will continue to use this and I see it playing a bigger and bigger role in schools with the ability to easily distribute information to students, communities, and parents.

I have been exposed to Delicious before and have never really gotten into Social Bookmarking.  I am sure some have found great use out of it, but not me.

Diigo is a tool that I have heard about before but never really looked into. I shared it with a history teacher at my school and he is in love with the collaborative annotating that can take place.  He is using it with his students as they work on research papers.  

Although I have had a lot going on, the information in this course was very helpful and I wish that I would have been able to take full advantage of the course.  It has opened new doors for me in extending my own learning and professional development.  I really enjoyed working with the other students in this course.  I feel that I am better off. 

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